Interns today, leaders tomorrow. An internship with Viafield provides valuable real-life experiences through a variety of hands-on opportunities working within the cooperative industry. The goal of these experiences is to help individuals prepare for a career.
Students, start your career the Viafield way, where knowledge meets experience Viafield offers college students internships in the following areas: Agronomy Sales, Agronomy Applications, Feed Sales, and Grain Origination as well as administrative fields of Accounting, Marketing & Human Resources. As part of the internship program, students are expected to learn about the cooperative business, develop skills in their designated position, and interact with people in the agricultural industry and the community. The student internship program kicks off in late May and continues throughout the summer until it wraps up in August.
Applying Applications of cover letters and resumés will be accepted each year. Please send all information to Human Resources at